Charitable Reg. No. 129671475RP0001
With your help, we can make a difference. Your donation helps promote mental health in your community and provides hope and help to those affected by mental illness.
You can choose to make your donation by:
› Monetary Donations (cheque/money order)
Please make your cheque/money order payable to:
Alpha Court Community Mental Health & Addiction Services
221 Wilson Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1M7
› Gifts-In-Kind (Non-monetary donations)
We welcome in-kind gifts such as craft and art supplies, musical instruments
The list below are some of the items we currently need:
- Kitchen Items: Dishes, silverware, pots and pans, cooking utensils, dish cloths, dish towels
- Bed Linens: Sheets, blankets, comforters
- Bath Items: Bath towels, face cloths
We may also accept gifts of gently used furniture, and household items.
For more information on how you can donate in-kind goods, please call
Gina Armenti, Director of Finance at (807) 683-8200
› In Memoriam
You may choose to donate to Alpha Court in memory or in honour of a family member, friend or colleague.
For more information please phone:
Gina Armenti, Director of Finance at (807) 683-8200
Receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more unless otherwise requested.